Saturday, March 19, 2011

40 Movies

For those of you keeping score at home, I turned 40 on Thursday.  Nothing much seems to have changed, really, except I think I might be having problems with my memory.  But that’s been going on for a while. I’ll find myself searching for a word that I KNOW I know, you know? But I can’t seem to find it. Anyway, for those of you keeping score at home, I turned 40 on Thursday. Nothing much seems to have changed, really, except I think I might be having a problem with my memory. Did I tell you this already?

So the idea came to me to share My Top Favorite 40 Movies. 40 Movies for 40 Years! But then I remembered how much I struggle with making lists of “favorite things.” I am horrible at it. Truth be known, I only have three things I can list as “my favorite.” 1. My favorite wife. (Katie) 2. My favorite brand of ice cream. (Haagen-Dazs) 3. My favorite Billy Ray Cyrus song. (None of them).

So the best I can offer you is 40 Movies I Like That I Conveniently Had on My Apple TV that Were Easy To Edit Together. Don’t get me wrong, these are movies that left impressions on me – whether they were instantly quotable, made me laugh, changed my perspective, haunted me, or resonated with me on some level. But I can’t say with any conviction that these are my “favorite.” And don’t try to make me! That list is fluid and ever-changing.

I’m sure you have a similar list in your head, and I’m sure it’s wildly different than mine. I’m not here to debate, just share. Unless you want to debate why I don’t have any Martin Lawrence movies on this list: because I have a very sound argument for that.

(P.S. Bishop Craig would like to make you aware that a handful of these movies must be viewed on TBS, CleanFlicks, or ClearPlay. Or else!)

So how many can you name? CLICK HERE 


Jonelle Hughes said...

39 out of 40.. not too shabby. it helps that we have the same movie penchants. Well, except for Jaws and Jurassic. I only like to sit on the edge of my seat at movies because I am laughing so hard,that I may have to vomit, and cannot decide whether to run to the bathroom or just use the popcorn container!

Linds Barttels said...

I just added a few of those to my Netflix queue! I knew everything except everything with Robert Redford in it... I don't have anything against the guy or his movies, but apparently I've never seen any of them!

Unknown said...

Sure. Rub it in. You have an Apple TV.

Three comments:
1. Gosh, I love The Incredibles
2. There was a branch in my mission that had a copy of Braveheart in the ward library, right next to What is Real? and Families are Forever. We were trying to explain to an Italian sister that it was rated "R." (In Italy films are rated either "Film per tutti" (film for everyone) or X (Pornography.) So Braveheart has the same rating as Carebears: The Movie) and she said "Anziani, sicuro che' sangue. Ma i sentimenti di questo film sono stupendi!" Roughly: Sure there is blood, but the feelings in this movie are stupendous!
3. That scene in Toy Story 3, even taken out of context STILL makes me cry.

Great montage.

Anonymous said...

Um with 'Sister Wives' getting so popular...someone could think Katie was one of many! :) the nerve to pick a favorite!!! ;)
And please....1.three amigos 2.Grease (I think it would last like what 30 min on clean flicks?!) and last but not least 3.Better off dead.
your welcome. ;)

tammy said...

You're doing better than me. I'm 40 and can't even remember the names of 40 movies.

Lindsey said...

LOOOOK up her LOOOOK up here. Fabulous list. I couldn't name many, but was so entertained! Always a pleasure Ken.

Team C said...

That was me before. :)

Becca said...

Many, many fine films. "The Sting" always reminds me of my mom. She adored Robert and Paul. As do I.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am a complete pushover for Bill Murray. And Shawshank was absolutely brilliant. Great collection, and happy belated g'day. ;)

Marlise said...

Yes, I am happy to say I was able to name all 40 (and having grown up with you--you introduced me to quite a few of them). I LOVED watching this. I've always loved clips of movies compiled together--but this is my absolute favorite, probably because it has so many of my favorites. I believe we have similar taste! Got choked up on a number of them. Well done, Ken--I loved it! :)

Brooke said...

There are 2 that I am TOTALLY lost, but TOTALLY WANT TO KNOW! The one where they are siiting on the train, John Cuzack. And the artsy looking one where they are riding on the motorcycle. Do Tell! Brett says to let him know the next time Gladiator is on PBS ;)

Is This Mike On? said...

Little disappointed not to see "A Few Good Men" on there. Even if it's the sanitized version where Jack says friggin'. Good choices though.