Thursday, February 10, 2011

The End of a Website

I was recently at a luncheon where my friend, Pete, was speaking. Pete, you should know, is the foremost social networking guru in all the world. Also, he once fired me from a job that I hated. Also he is a man in his 40s who is wearing braces for the very first time. So clearly, my relationship with Pete is complex.

But he really is a respected professional in the world of digital public relations. He knows how to maximize the use of all things Internet-y to build your business. (P.S. Don’t tell him I said “Internet-y.” He hates that word. It’s like nails across his virtual chalkboard.)

Facebook, YouTube, blogs, RSS feeds, Twitter, websites – Pete knows what all those things are!

So, anyhoot, after the lunch I went up to Pete to compliment him on what  a fine job he did firing me those many years ago, and also on what a great job he did speaking on this particular occasion. We began casually chatting when he actually brought up my blog. I know! Genius Media Expert and current brace-face Pete Codella reads my blog! I was flattered.  And then, like slap in the face, he suggested that my blog wasn’t a blog at all, but actually a website! Like HE would know! He then explained that by definition a blog should be open for comments.

“Blogs are interactive,” he pointed out, “and should allow visitors to leave comments and even message each other. It’s the interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.” To which I totally saved face by responding, “Uh…no-doy, Pete!”

Well, who am I to argue with the metal-mouthed master of all things web-based? Nobody, that’s who. I am ashamed. I have only rarely turned my comments on, but I’ve been calling this thing a “blog” this entire time. Well NO MORE, my blog/website reading friends!

I have decided that 2011 will be The Year of the Comments.

So from now on, I’m listening. To everyone except Pete “Smarty Pants” Codella. So there. 


Unknown said...

It's about time!!! Now time to do something about this black background....

I am proud to be the first official commenter on your blog.

Vickey said...

Once again, Ken, you have made me laugh out loud. Being married to the brace face makes it all the more comical.
If it helps you feel any better, Pete HATED firing you. I remember it well. And I didn't even "know" you then and I remember feeling bad for you and your family when it happened.
Have a good day.

Ken Craig said...

Thank you for that. I was hoping Pete would take this post all in good fun. I absolutely know Pete hated "firing" me. I almost felt as bad for him as I did for me! And I never took it personally. One of the reasons it was easy to stay friends. We've joked about it regularly. Sometimes I think he wishes he had left the same time I did! Being the first to jump (or be pushed off) the sinking ship was not the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Looking forward to finally meeting his better and non-brace-face half one of these days!

Matt A. said...

I would have no problem firing you, whatsoever.

Ken Craig said...

But I would have a problem working for you, Matt A.

Matt A. said...

:) Having a blog is so much better than having a website. Pete is wise.

Unknown said...


I came to love your "website" by way of Jim Rusnell. I subscribed to your RSS feed around Halloween 2010, and look forward to each of your well crafted stories.

In the spirit of change that you seem to be embracing, I humbly plead that you start tweeting. It would make the time between blog posts so much more enjoyable for those of us that think you're smart & hilarious.

Warmest regards,

Steve B.
Kaysville, UT

Reyna said...

Any chance to interact with you in any format is a good thing for me. And I guess my "blog" is really a website too...cuz comments aren't even an option on mine. I hope you don't get sick of me writing stuff like "you're so funny" and "that was awesome"..because those are the reactions I generally have to things you write.

Unknown said...

Wow. This is a brilliant idea. I only wish someone had suggested it to you sooner. Thank goodness for Pete.

Pete Codella said...


Metal-mouthed master of all things Web-based here. I’m so proud of your digital metamorphosis —from a website to an honest-to-goodness blog. The Craig Report is a real blog now. Did you hear that, Pinocchio? Watch out world!

I stand by what I said: That a site without comments is a website, and it takes dialog (allowing comments) to be considered a blog.

For the record, my comments in December had nothing to do with the content of your blog. I am, after all, an enthusiastic admirer of your writing, although probably not as much as my wife who seems to find pure enjoyment from your every digital word. But I’m not jealous, because after all, I did fire you once.

(Also for the record, I wish I had left when you did. You got a much better deal. But we learn from our experiences and become wiser and stronger as a result.)

Since 2011 is your year for blog comments, and since, as you say, I’m good at all things Internet-y (your word, my friend, not mine), I thought I’d offer you just a few pieces of advice to apply to your real blogging.

First, don’t feel like you’ve got to answer every comment. You’re way too popular and will find your creative juices dried up if you suddenly spend large amounts of time responding to hundreds of comments.

Second, don’t take the comments personally. Online, people tend to hide behind their computer screens and say things they wouldn’t say to your face, like, “It’s the interactivity that distinguishes [blogs] from other static websites.” Only a true friend would dare tell that to your face.

Third, do yourself a favor and post a comment moderation policy. It’ll help your readers and potential commenters know what the guidelines are for your blog. While you don’t have to necessarily approve comments before they’re published, you certainly do have the right to remove comments if they’re inappropriate. I wouldn’t mess with editing comments. Let them stand if they meet your policy and just delete them if they don’t.

And since I’m offering free advice (I included the word ‘free’ so you’d know what value to assign it), you really ought to look into turning your blog into a book. I know a lot of people who would buy it for its sheer good humored short story entertainment value.

And by the way, accepting comments on your blog is really no different than allowing people to post to your Facebook wall.

I congratulate you on your newfound blog comment policy and wish you, and your blog, all the happiness in the world. Keep up the good work!


Jonelle said...

Dear Pete- You must be Ken's Muse... I have asked him to write a book for me personally if he is not ready for the big time, but the best I get is awesome mix cd's. WHICH I am not complaining about and would like them on my half-birthday as well. (SEE THAT KEN?) But... as a writer and closet blogger myself, I appreciate your tips and they have given me much to think about. I like you Pete... I really, really do. And, you know what? I wore braces as an adult. It takes people with real strength to do that. Real strength. :)

Jonelle Hughes
Ken's Herbalist
(If he is going to be famous, which he is, I will stake my claim now with this as my official title. I will also accept Craig Family Herbalist, and Lifelong Craig Family Friend as possible titles as well.)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I'm here cuz DeNae threatened everyone if they didn't.
But it's a good thing I came, cuz I laughed a lot.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yes, the interactivity is what gives it life! I am glad DeNae recommended your blog (now that we can call it that). :)

Carol said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??
PS DeNae made me do it....

Unknown said...

Hee hee ha ha ho ho!! And if it were still fashionable, I'd insert a 'muwahaha' here.

Shelane said...

"Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??"

How'd I do, DeNae?

Jillybean said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

DeNae didn't make me leave this comment, I did it of my own free will, egged on by DeNae, of course.

LisAway said...

Oh, I am SO coming back here, after having spent a good half hour laughing over your archives. Oh, goodness.

Andrea said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

Momza said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

DeNae wields more power than I know what to do with...

Margie said...

OK, yeah, so I just popped over here from Denae's place but for the record I found your blog first and found hers from yours but it's about time already and I, too, had braces in my 40's (the only corrective procedure I've had). I can't believe you didn't give Denae credit for inspiring you to open to comments. Now you know why you didn't open to comments earlier. Oh the junk, sheesh. Oh yeah, I did leave a comment one time on your very personal post which many of us have had similar experiences. Love your blog.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

Um, I don't know if DeNae is a really good or really bad friend to have . . .

Unknown said...

Margie, this is not - hang on, what did she call it - "junk, sheesh!" It's bloggy love, initiating my good pal Ken into the ever-unpredictable world of blog comments sending over a bunch of - OK, predictable - commenters.

And Melanie knows perfectly well that I am an AWESOME friend to have!

Anna said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

(lol, ok that makes how many DeNae comments now?)

Becky said...

I think Denae wields a wicked amount of power.
And Ken, if you weren't already married...and straight...I'd have told you to marry Pete, also. Since he's so wonderful.
I do love your blog. I aspire to be half as awesome (and get a third the comments) of super-bloggers such as you and Denae.

PS I love that you folks homebirth. If I can ever get another bun in the oven, that's totally the way we're going. Thanks for sharing the Amazing Katie stories. Loved every word.
And just in case this comment isn't long enough, I've sent my husband your url so he can get some pointers on writing about how wonderful *I* am. :)

Stephanie said...

Even though DeNae made me come over here, I'm glad I did. Fun posts! And "Pete" is a code name, for DeNae, right?

TisforTonya said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

see, this is what interactivity gets you...

but don't turn 'em OFF for crying out loud - DeNae and Pete are right... slightly pushy... and hilariously vindictive (in Denae's case at least) but dead right :)

Jess the photographer behind the lens at JWilsonPix said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

** SHe is now sending out chocolate to all of us computer donkey riding folks... couldnt help myself.. its GOOD chocolate!! =)

David Handy said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

I'm sorry I'm sorry!! She has such powerful means of coercion!

Me said...

love your blog.

From: the girl at the blood drive who previously confessed to reading. (Holly)

LA Adams said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if

merathon said...

well this is the best news i've heard since snookie released her book! i don't know how many times i've read something you wrote and wanted to say something about it and then remembered that you were an "anti-commentite." glad you're letting us share in your little world!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but DeNae rules the roost so I have to say:

"Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??"

But you should know that your blog really IS funny and DeNae would never do you a solid if she didn't think you were the awesomest thing since Ikea's daycare/child prison. ;)

AS Amber said...

Hi Ken! Just visiting from DeNae's blog. You're a funny guy! I don't know if I'm getting the verbage right but I would love to be a follower and stuff. But only if Pete marries DeNae.

Yeah. I think that's how it goes.

Mom said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

Yup the ol' copy and paste neener-neener always gets them.

Anonymous said...

Oh the power she yields.

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

Good for you for opening up comments though, no matter who inspired it.

Cynedra (who is still too chicken to even have a blog.

seashmore said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I [kind of]* like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

*As much as I love DeNae and hate to see anyone's gizzards get frosted, I haven't read enough of your blog to say I "really" like it. Just how it is. But I'll follow and if I don't like it I'll stop.

Congrats on the comments. :)

Sharon said...

Honestly, I don't even KNOW DeNae, but I do what she tells me. I think you'd better do the same.

Karen M. Peterson said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

Haha! That DeNae is one influential lady. Too bad she's not as influential as Pete, eh?

Lara Neves said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

PS...I'll be back.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Welcome to the real world. I am here because of DeNae, and I'm glad I came. I can tell I'm going to like it here.

annie valentine said...

Ken! Obviously, there's only one person who could have inspired this kind of creative brilliance and bravery, only one person who's charm and wit is so contagious, so delightful, so motivating, that it has caused you to step out from the shadows, to leap from your bushel, and open yourself up to the raw and routinely anonymous comments the world has to offer.

That person would have to be Jesus.

(Or DeNae. It could have been DeNae.)

Farnsworth Fam said...

Hi, Ken! I just popped over here from DeNae's place. You're a funny guy! I really like your blog! I may even sign up to be a follower! Oh, and by the way, if you love Pete so much why don't you marry him??

Can't wait to see what the future holds.

Erik said...

Please start deleting the comments from people that are coming from DeNae's blog! (I can't believe I had to read through all of those.)

Also, black background gives me night blindness. Trying reading the small white type on a black background and then looking up suddenly at something across the room.... See. Night blindness.
My rods and cones are all confused.

Kich Pwi Pwi said...


Abbie C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.